Author Archives: Gaslamp Foundation

The Hawthorne Inn

The Hawthorne Inn(1900)  2121 First AvenueArchitectural Style : Dutch ColonialArchitects & Contractors : Henry Neale and R. A Graham If walls could talk, this picturesque Victorian era edifice would spin amazing tales of history, celebrities, crime, and also, its original inhabitants , the men and women who had ventured west at the turn of the […]

You Can’t Win ‘Em All!

Snyder Building1923748 Sixth AvenueArchitectural Style: Early 20th Century Commercial Architect: Unknown    Some buildings are best known for their distinct architectural style, while others garner the limelight because of the personages attached to their origin or construction. Such is the rather modest structure still standing on Sixth Avenue.    As with any and probably all […]

A Repurposed Legend

The Pickwick/Sofia Hotel1926 150 W. BroadwayArchitecture: William PeughArchitectural Style: Gothic Revival Most travelers today look for the fastest way to get to their destination. Gone are the days of leisurely travel with occasional stops along the way for rest or local exploration. Although train travel is showing some signs of revival, bus travel is strictly […]