Author Archives: Gaslamp Foundation

February is Museum Month in San Diego!

February is Museum Month! Explore the fun during San Diego Museum Month with 50% off admission to 60+ San Diego County museums, historic sites, gardens, zoo/aquariums and more. Pick up your free Museum Month pass at 85 public libraries throughout San Diego County. Find inspiration for your 29 days of cultural adventures by searching a […]

Adult Education Programs at the GQHF

History in Your Community The GQHF  is happy to bring the history of the Gaslamp Quarter straight into your community! Seven Colorful Characters of the Gaslamp Alonzo Horton’s Houses and Spouses  Women of the Gaslamp The Spy in the Attic  Suffragettes in San Diego  Architecture in the Gaslamp Boom-Build-Bust: The History of the Gaslamp  A […]

Education Programs at the GQHF

The Gaslamp Museum offers a range of school programs that can be adapted from preschool through high school. Each program has been designed to highlight an important aspect of the Gaslamp and Downtown San Diego’s history. The Davis-Horton House is a time capsule of early San Diego living history. All tour rates are based on a minimum […]

The History of a Historian

Bancroft Building/ Aztec Theatre             1886 665 Fifth Avenue Architectural Style: Modern  Architect: Clinton Day Some of the most innocuous buildings have the most interesting stories, and some of their owners are often more intriguing than the buildings themselves. Such may be the case of the Bancroft building, a modest almost plain building in the heart […]